
Lovage leaf

The herb lovage is a perennial that can grow up to 2 to 3 meters high. It grows yellow-green flowers that are very popular with bees. The strong aroma of lovage resembles the taste of celery, as does the shape of the leaves; narrow and ovoid. Did you know that lovage is also called the maggi herb? It has a broth-like taste.


Lovage was brought to Europe in the 12th century, here you can find lovage leaves in different countries. Verstegen lovage comes from Germany, because that is where the best quality comes from. Continue reading to learn more about this delicious herb.


The origin of lovage leaf

Lovage leaf originally comes from China, but in the 12th century Romans and Greeks brought the herb to Europe. Lovage leaf only grows on a nutrient-rich soil, but it does not tolerate heat and drought well. This climate is mainly found in Southern and Central Europe. Think of countries such as Germany, Slovakia and France. The origin of Verstegen’s lovage leaf therefore comes from Germany, because the best quality comes from the country of origin.


The use of lovage leaf in the kitchen

All plant parts of lovage can be used. The young shoots can be boiled or blanched as a vegetable, while the stems can be sugared. The taste of lovage is subtle and very similar in taste to celery. The herb has a characteristic broth-like aftertaste. For example, instead of salt, you can also add lovage to a dish to make the water flow in your mouth.

Add the spice to Indonesian and Thai stews, curries or bumbus! Or try lovage in a Dutch carrot mash.
